LSSI/Lutheran Disaster Relief of Illinois helps organize a Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) for people affected by the tornado that struck Naperville, Darien and Woodridge

June 30, 2021

For Illinois neighbors in the western suburbs of Chicago who were impacted by a recent tornado, LSSI/Lutheran Disaster Relief of Illinois collaborated on a Multi-Agency Resource Center (MARC) to provide resources and assistance. The MARC was organized by the Community Organizations Active in Disaster (COAD) of Northeast Illinois in partnership with the American Red Cross and Lutheran Social Services of Illinois (LSSI).

Joy Medrano, LSSI’s Manager of Volunteer Engagement and Disaster Response, and chair of the Northeast Illinois COAD, coordinated and was site director for the MARC, with assistance from the American Red Cross, the state of Illinois’ mass care provider. The event was held at Jefferson Junior High School, Woodridge. The people who were impacted received supplies, along with referrals for mental health and financial assistance, among other urgent needs. Those who attended also were assigned a case manager to help with the recovery process.

“We served 353 families and 39 partners representing state, local, and supporting non-governmental organizations,” Medrano said. “It was fulfilling to see so many organizations come together quickly to efficiently serve so many people who were affected.”

News coverage of the event was featured on Chicago television stations WGN Channel 9 and ABC News Channel 7. Watch the News Story from ABC Eyewitness News Chicago

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